Over the years, we've gathered a wealth of knowledge and insights in the field of recruitment. This extensive experience is now distilled into a series of comprehensive books, authored by Larisa Leonteva, offering invaluable guidance for recruiters and HR professionals.

These books are also essential for company owners, CEOs, and founders, providing them with the tools to grow their companies more efficiently. Covering everything from strategic hiring practices to effective onboarding processes, our collection equips you to navigate the complex landscape of talent acquisition and achieve sustainable growth.

Explore our collection and discover the keys to successful and efficient recruitment.


Recruiting Magic: for those who thought they'd seen it all

"Recruiting Magic" transcends the typical recruitment guide, leveraging the DRIVE Methodology® to transform recruitment into a strategic, engaging journey.

Authored by Larisa Leonteva, this book offers a delightful mix of humor and valuable insights, making it an essential tool not only for recruiters but also for company owners and hiring leads. It guides readers on how to refine recruiting processes to align with business goals, ensure the right candidate matches, and achieve substantial cost savings―cutting recruitment expenses by at least 40%.

Whether you’re deep into hiring or just starting out, "Recruiting Magic" empowers you to inject some much-needed magic into your recruitment strategy. 

Cover 1 page

Leyla sucht ihren Traumjob. Deine Inspiration für einen erfolgreichen Bewerbungsprozess

Befindest du dich gerade in der herausfordernden Bewerbungsphase, die dich auch ein wenig verunsichert? Dann entdecke den inspirierenden Ratgeber >>Leyla sucht ihren Traumjob. Deine Inspiration für einen erfolgreichen Bewerbungsprozess<<.

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie du dich erfolgreich in dieser Phase positionieren kannst. Es gibt professionelle Tipps und wertvolle Einblicke in die Berufswelt aus einer persönlichen Perspektive.

Begleite unsere Protagonistin Leyla, eine Absolventin mit internationalem Hintergrund, auf ihrer Reise. Am Ende des Buches findest du Inspirationen als praktische Ratschläge, die dir Schritt für Schritt helfen, Hindernisse zu überwinden und Unsicherheiten zu bewältigen. Erfahre, wie du Unternehmen findest, die Vielfalt und Inklusion schätzen.

Dieses Buch ist der ideale Begleiter beim Finden deines Traumjobs.



Transform your Recruiting today

The DRIVE Methodology® is more than a process; it's a strategic partner in your growth journey.

Empower your company with the skills, strategies, and insights to secure talent that fits perfectly with your unique needs and vibrant culture.

Begin your journey to recruiting excellence and sculpt your startup's future with precision, data-driven decision-making, and a deep understanding of what it takes to attract and retain top talent.


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Need help?

Don't wait any longer to unlock your company's full potential.

Schedule a call with us today to secure our aviability and embark on the journey toward achieving your business goals.

Let's  DRIVE  your success together!


  Our satisfied clients say...

"Collaborating with Larisa and her team from SinnRec significantly differs from other recruiting companies. SinnRec takes a holistic approach, starting from employer branding, job design, selection process, onboarding, to a successful probationary period process. They work like an excellent internal recruiting department, always with a focus on building internal competencies. The result is not only outstanding candidates but, above all, an optimized company.

Many external recruiters are very pushy in their communication. They ask few questions, show little interest in the company, and only aim to quickly fill the positions to invoice.

SinnRec integrates itself into the company and engages with the people and the culture. They behave in all aspects like in-house recruiters. Therefore, they can provide applicants with necessary information and convince them. So, it's a real long-term match instead of just a quick placement."

Martin Drees, Co-Founder & Member of the Board @medflex

Discover more about in our  blog article 

Reframing the art of Recruiting: The DRIVE Methodology®