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Case Study: Accelerating Time-to-Hire and reducing offer rejections

Written by Larisa Leonteva | Oct 9, 2024 10:45:42 AM

This article is a case study that explores how a digital product company resolved challenges with a prolonged time-to-hire and high offer rejection rates by hiring an interim recruiter, leading to a significant improvement in recruitment efficiency, product release schedules, and overall business performance.

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive tech industry, timely and efficient recruitment processes are essential for companies to maintain their competitive edge and keep up with rapid innovation cycles. This case study highlights the struggles of a digital product company that faced significant challenges with a prolonged time-to-hire and alarmingly high offer rejection rates. Although the company had a seemingly stable and structured hiring process in place, it was still grappling with inefficiencies that led to an average time-to-hire of 14 weeks. This extended timeline not only slowed down their ability to fill critical roles but also resulted in a substantial percentage of candidates turning down offers by the time they were extended.

These inefficiencies had far-reaching consequences that went beyond recruitment delays. The long hiring process directly impacted the company’s ability to meet product release deadlines, as key team members were often diverted from their primary responsibilities to participate in the drawn-out recruitment cycle. This, in turn, led to missed deadlines and delayed product launches, which negatively affected the company’s market presence and growth potential. Moreover, the burden placed on existing team members, including engineers and product managers, intensified as they had to balance their core tasks with the time-consuming recruitment process, leading to stress and diminished productivity across the board.


The Problem: a lengthy hiring process and high offer rejections

At this mid-sized digital product company, the recruitment process had slowed to an unsustainable pace, significantly impacting the company’s overall efficiency. From the initiation of the candidate search to the signing of the employment contract, it took an average of 14 weeks to fill open positions—a timeline far too long for a company operating in a fast-moving industry. This drawn-out hiring process created a ripple effect, leading to various operational inefficiencies. To make matters worse, the delay was exacerbated by a high offer rejection rate. Many candidates, after going through the lengthy process, declined the offers, forcing the company to restart the hiring cycle multiple times. Each restart not only wasted valuable resources but also intensified the existing delays, creating a vicious cycle that was hard to break.

The consequences of this slow recruitment and high rejection rate were multifaceted and damaging to the company’s productivity and morale:

  • Missed product deadlines: The teams involved in the hiring process, including key personnel like department heads and project leads, had to divide their focus between interviewing and recruitment tasks. This division of attention left insufficient bandwidth for product development and strategic initiatives. As a result, the company faced multiple delays in critical product releases, which in turn affected its competitiveness in the market and strained relationships with clients and stakeholders.
  • Overstretched teams: Engineers, product managers, and other essential team members were pulled into extended recruitment activities, leaving less time for their primary responsibilities. The constant involvement in recruitment not only disrupted their workflow but also placed additional pressure on meeting project deadlines. With their attention divided, overall team productivity suffered, and key milestones were missed, pushing back product launches and development cycles.
  • Low morale: The high offer rejection rate compounded the problem, leading to widespread frustration within the hiring teams. Repeatedly going through the recruitment process without securing candidates created a sense of futility and demoralized the team. HR professionals, recruiters, and operational managers felt the strain as their workload increased, and the constant rejections created bottlenecks that further slowed the hiring process. This buildup of pressure led to lower job satisfaction and heightened stress across departments, negatively impacting the company’s internal culture.

The detrimental impact of these issues on the company’s overall business performance became impossible to ignore. Product delays, overstretched teams, and declining morale were affecting not just day-to-day operations but also the company's long-term strategic goals. Recognizing the urgent need for improvement, the CEO and Head of People made the critical decision to hire an interim strategic recruiter. This decision aimed to not only streamline the hiring process but also bring in fresh insights and expertise to overhaul the company's recruitment strategy. By doing so, they hoped to reduce time-to-hire, lower offer rejection rates, and allow key employees to return their full focus to their primary tasks, ultimately restoring productivity and morale across the organization.


The Solution: hiring an Interim Recruiter for a fresh perspective

The company brought in a seasoned interim recruiter with extensive experience in strategic hiring. This interim recruiter had a dual mission: to overhaul the hiring process and to mentor the existing HR and recruitment team.

Key areas of focus:

  1. Streamlining the Recruitment Process: The interim recruiter implemented the DRIVE Methodology®—a structured approach to hiring that focuses on Define, Research, Inspire, Validate, and Enroll. This methodology helped define precise job profiles, improve candidate sourcing, and create a more efficient candidate selection process​​.
    • Defining clear job roles: A detailed breakdown of job profiles was created, highlighting both technical and soft skills needed, ensuring that only the most suitable candidates were shortlisted.
    • Reducing interview rounds: By setting clear expectations and removing unnecessary interview stages, the hiring team significantly reduced time spent on interviews, decreasing overall recruitment time​.
  2. Improving candidate experience: The interim recruiter focused on enhancing the candidate experience throughout the hiring journey. Communication was improved, ensuring that candidates remained engaged, and any rejection was handled with care to maintain a positive employer brand​.
  3. Optimizing offer negotiations: Addressing the high offer rejection rate, the recruiter introduced better alignment between job offers and market standards. Additionally, efforts were made to understand candidate motivations earlier in the process, allowing for smoother final negotiations​​.
  4. Knowledge transfer and team development: The HR team benefited from the interim recruiter’s mentorship, learning how to improve their sourcing techniques and refine their candidate evaluation skills. By adopting more proactive and strategic hiring practices, they became more efficient at identifying and securing top talent​​.


The Results: remarkable improvements in 10 Months

After 10 months of collaboration with the interim recruiter, the company experienced significant improvements in both time-to-hire and offer acceptance rates:

  • Time-to-Hire reduced by 64%: The average time-to-hire dropped from 14 weeks to just 5 weeks, a remarkable improvement that allowed the company to fill key roles faster and with more qualified candidates​.
  • Offer rejection rate dropped: The rejection rate decreased drastically, thanks to better-aligned offers, clearer communication, and improved candidate experience throughout the process​.
  • On-time product releases: With team members able to focus more on their primary tasks, product releases were back on schedule. The sales team was able to overachieve on quarterly goals, further contributing to the company’s financial success.
  • ROI on recruitment investment: The investment in the interim recruiter paid off—costs incurred during the collaboration were not only covered but exceeded by the increased revenue from meeting sales targets and reducing recruitment inefficiencies.


Conclusion: the power of strategic recruitment

This case study highlights the immense value of bringing in fresh expertise when facing hiring inefficiencies. The decision to hire an interim recruiter helped the company optimize its recruitment processes, reduce time-to-hire, and increase offer acceptance rates, all while improving overall business performance. By prioritizing strategic recruitment, the company not only improved its operational efficiency but also ensured its long-term growth and success in the competitive tech industry.


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